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The Christian Tariqah

7 - Your Choice


7 - Your Choice

The general honour of our family  has been restored. As individuals, though, something more is needed.

Jesus said, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."


6 - Sharing His Honor


6 - Sharing His Honor

Knowing death was upon him, Jesus prayed,

"not my will, but yours be done"

That simple prayer secured for Jesus all honor and glory. He obeyed God to the point of death and in so doing, restored honor to the family of Adam whose shameful acts had brought death in the first place


5 - Then Came Jesus


5 - Then Came Jesus

God didn’t abandon Adam and Eve completely. When they had obeyed God they had been covered with His honour and felt no shame, even though they were naked. Now that they had lost God’s honour they saw their nakedness and knew their shame. 


4 - Us Too


4 - Us Too

Adam and Eve were our great, great, great ... grandparents. They are our first parents. Their name is our name. Their shame is our shame.

Imagine your father was a traitor to his community, or your mother was the village prostitute.


3 - Enter Shame


3 - Enter Shame

Adam and Eve lived in perfect community. They were safe and honored in the eyes of each other and also in the eyes of Almighty God. It was bliss, but bliss that didn't last.

Adam and Eve did not honor Almighty God as obedient members of His community. Instead, they listened to Satan, God’s enemy. 


2 - Sharing His Glory


2 - Sharing His Glory

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" - Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." - John 1:1


1. Before the Beginning


1. Before the Beginning

"In the beginning, God ..." Thus the Bible opens. The implication is that _before_ the beginning, God was, too. 

Before the beginning, then, the Most High God, He who is above all else, existed as the most honourable and most respectable being. He still is.
