Image from Foodies Feed.

Third in a series on the Christian Tariqah. See the second here

Adam and Eve lived in perfect community. They were safe and honored in the eyes of each other and also in the eyes of Almighty God. It was bliss, but bliss that didn't last.

Adam and Eve did not honor Almighty God as obedient members of His community. Instead, they listened to Satan, God’s enemy.

The Most High God had told Adam and Eve that if they ate the fruit of a certain tree they would die. Satan, however, told them if they ate the fruit they would have the same honor as equals with God.

In the most cataclysmic decision ever made by human beings, Adam and Eve listened to Satan. They had failed to honor God as obedient and loyal members of his community.

And that's when they felt it: great, overwhelming, soul-crushing shame. They had been disloyal community members, shaming themselves and dishonouring Him.

In so many cultures things like outhouses and pigs are considered disgraceful, dirty. It's only natural, then, that they are put far away to preserve the dignity of those around them. Likewise, God also sent Adam and Eve out of His community, preserving His honour.

In a further blow, he also took away the honour of eternal life, as He had promised He would do.

Adam and Eve were dejected. They had lost their home, their reputation, their family, their glory and their honour - they had only shame.

Third in a series on the Christian Tariqah. See the fourth here
