Image by Oscar Keys from Unsplash.

Fifth in a series on the Christian Tariqah. See the fourth here

God didn’t abandon Adam and Eve completely. When they had obeyed God they had been covered with His honour and felt no shame, even though they were naked. Now that they had lost God’s honour they saw their nakedness and knew their shame.

So God gave them a partial cover for their shame by killing an innocent animal to make clothes for them. But that only took away their external shame, a picture of their internal shame. They needed something more for this.

God made a promise. He told them that one day one of their descendants would destroy Satan and restore their honour completely. He told later prophets that this person would be born in Bethlehem to a virgin from the line of King Dawud, and would be a king and prophet himself. They prophesied that he would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver and falsely accused.

Many, many years later to fulfill His promised to Adam and Eve and the messages He had given His prophets, God sent Jesus so that whoever believes in him can follow him back into the family of God. (John 3:16)

He lived an extraordinary life. He was born in Bethelehem to a virgin in poverty. He healed the sick, calmed storms, fed people through miracles, cast out demons, raised dead people and cleansed lepers. He brought a message of hope for the poor, for the oppressed, for the humble. He taught mankind the Golden Rule of love and pointed us all towards an inner holiness and honor of God that goes beyond external actions.

Jesus is the only person to have ever lived an never once disobeyed God. He was humankind's perfect representative to God as he honored Him with everything he said, did and thought.

One day, God asked Jesus to honor Him with the biggest sacrifice of all ...

Fifth in a series on the Christian Tariqah. See the sixth here
