Image by Ikram Namji from Pamir Times.

Salgirah, literally meaning 'birthday' in Urdu, is celebrated across the Ismaili world on 13th December. On that day, 1936, Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV was born to Princess Tajuddawlah Aly Khan in Geneva, Switzerland. 

For several million Ismailis, Salgirah is celebrated in a similar way to Christmas by Christians. The Aga Khan is seen as the spiritual guide to Ismailis, the physical manifestation of the reflection of God. His role is to guide the murids (believers) into knowledge and truth. He is the only one with perfect knowledge of the Almighty and so his birth is celebrated as a gift from God, a proof of his mercy.

Celebrations take on all forms across the world. Most involve music of some kind. The first video here is a traditional song from Tajikistan. The second is a clip of a party in Canada.

Just like at Christmas, cards and cake also make their way into the festivities

Such is the adoration of the Ismaili people for their Mowla, the Aga Khan, that they also compose songs in his honor for Salgirah.

Given the Aga Khan's stature as a global statesmen, tributes come from non-Ismailis as well. Here, for example, is a statement from the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

Finally, no celebration would be complete without food. Below left is an East African kebab recipe drawn up by 'Khoja Cook' on the occassion of Salgirah. Below right is a traditional Tajik spread.
