Population: 64 million
Number of Ismailis: 14 000
Key Area: London
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**Key Countries**: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
**Number of Ismailis**: Unknown, probably less than 20000, with 8000 in Kenya
Ismailis first arrived in East Africa in the early 19th century from India.
**Population**: 30 million
**Number of Ismailis**: Estimates range between 200 000 to 2 million
**Key Area**: Badakhshan, Baghlan Province
**Population**: 1.35 billion (22 million Xinjiang)
**Number of Ismailis**: 40 000
**Key Area**: Xinjiang Province - The most western of China's provinces, incorporating the Chinese Pamir Mountains. Home to the Uyghurs as well as the Chinese 'Tajiks'. Key towns are Tashkurgan and Kashgar, along with the provincial capital, Urumqi.
**Population**: 77 million
**Number of Ismailis**: Unknown, several thousand
**Key Areas**: Alamut - site of Hasan-i Sabbah's legendary castle
**Population**: 8 million
**Number of Ismailis**: 275 000
**Key Area**: The Pamir Mountains - A remote, semi-autonomous, ethnically distinct area of the country. Comprised of several different valleys, each with its own language, the area is home to a little over 200 000 people, mostly Ismaili.
**Population**: 22.5 million
**Number of Ismailis**: 200 000
**Key Area**: Salamiyah - An ancient city, dating back to the time of the Babylonians. Over 50% of the 70 000 people living here are Ismaili and they represent the largest concentration of Ismailis in the Arab world.
**Population**: 180 million
**Number of Ismailis**: 310 000
**Key Areas**:
* Chitral (160 000)
* Hunza Valley (80 000)
* Karachi (30-50 000)