Population: 22.5 million

Number of Ismailis: 200 000

Key Area: Salamiyah - An ancient city, dating back to the time of the Babylonians. Over 50% of the 70 000 people living here are Ismaili and they represent the largest concentration of Ismailis in the Arab world. This is the supposed burial place of Ismail ibn Ja'far, the early HQ of the Fatimids and the burial place of the father of the current Aga Khan.

The Ismaili community has not escaped the violence in Syria. On 21st January 2013 a suicide bomber killed over 42 in Salamiyah, many of whom were civilians.

The civil war in Syria is too complicated to accurately pin down the thoughts and allegiances of the Ismaili community. However, it is fair to say that Ismailis, as liberal Muslims, can be a target of more extremist factions.

Whilst the current government, for all its faults, have historically protected the rights of minorities, a recent Amnesty International report highlighted the concerns many have for the future following a recent spate of sectarian attacks by a section of the opposition.

Originally posted 2 years ago
