All images from Flikr user rvanbc.

“When you really look at the diversity of cultures and people, there’s actually a lot of commonality that transcends those cultural barriers,”
— Taslim Samji, Curator

A new art display at the Newton Cultural Center in Surrey, Canada, features the work of nine Ismaili women across various mediums, from paintings to sculptures.

Titled 'Commonality', the emphasis is on pluralism and those themes common across religions and cultures, Christian, Ismaili, Sikh or otherwise.

On the issue of commonality, the curator of the exhibition, Taslim Samji, said "I think that needs to be brought forward, instead of constantly looking at these divisions” . She added,

We’re not that different ... whether we like it or not

One particularly striking work is the 'Woman with Dying Child' sculpture by Naznin Virji-Babul. Christian or Ismaili, the tragedy of the death of a child elicits emotion and empathy that transcends any division. It is an horrific fact of life that unites family, friends, neighbors and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught up in such a traumatising event.

Many of us know people who've been through such heartbreak. None of us can say our reaction would have been different if it had happened to someone across the religious divide, Ismaili or Christian.

For those with the opportunity to visit the display in Surrey, we would highly recommend the chance to view the pieces and reflect on those common themes that unite us. 
