Many of you will be aware of the disgusting terror attacks carried out in Karachi on Wednesday that left 45 Ismailis dead at the hands of IS-affiliated terrorists. You can read the Al Jazeera report here or watch CNN's disturbing report here

The Ismaili Friends network joins the Aga Khan in condemning this atrocity as a

"senseless act of violence against a peaceful community"

We are sickened by this barbarous act and look to the Lord God to bring His comfort and peace to those who are injured and have lost loved ones. We will continue to pray for our Ismaili friends that in the face of such tragedy they will find succor in the arms of the God who loves them (Romans 8:37-39) and, in turning to Him, be filled with the "peace that passes understanding" (Phil 4:6-7)

Originally published  May 2015
