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5 - People are Separated from God


5 - People are Separated from God

One day, the devil tempted woman to eat the food from the tree that was forbidden. The woman listened to the devil and ate the fruit. Then she gave it to her husband to eat. Both of them disobeyed God’s command. Disobeying God’s command is sin. God is righteous and holy. He must punish sin. God cast the man and the woman out of the garden, and their relationship with God was broken. Human beings and God were now separated forever.


4 - Fall of the Devil


4 - Fall of the Devil

However, do you remember the angels God created? One of the angels was very smart and beautiful. This angel became very proud. He wanted to be like God and to have the other angels to worship him instead of God. Only God deserves all the worship and service. Therefore God cast the disobedient angel, the devil, and the other angels who listened to him out of heaven. These bad angels are known as demons.


3 - Enter Shame


3 - Enter Shame

Adam and Eve lived in perfect community. They were safe and honored in the eyes of each other and also in the eyes of Almighty God. It was bliss, but bliss that didn't last.

Adam and Eve did not honor Almighty God as obedient members of His community. Instead, they listened to Satan, God’s enemy. 
