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Hajj Stampede


Hajj Stampede

At the time of writing [717 Muslim pilgrims had lost their lives]( in a tragic stampede whilst performing the Hajj.

On a day when the Muslim world remembers the mercy of God in sparing Ibrahim's son, it is simply horrific that we must also mourn the loss of so many children, parents, spouses, brothers, sisters and cousins. 


The 7 Pillars of Ismailism


The 7 Pillars of Ismailism

In just a few days time, the Muslim holy month of _Ramadan_ comes to an end. Across the world millions of Muslims are fasting from all food and liquids during daylight hours. Many will be making _Hajj_ (pilgrimage) to Mecca, the holiest city in the Muslim world. 

For most Ismailis, however, this month has passed with little or no difference.
