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5 - Then Came Jesus


5 - Then Came Jesus

God didn’t abandon Adam and Eve completely. When they had obeyed God they had been covered with His honour and felt no shame, even though they were naked. Now that they had lost God’s honour they saw their nakedness and knew their shame. 





Unlike most Muslims, the Ismailis are not shy of expressing their theology and worship of God in song-form, with musical instruments and voice. This is not the Qur'anic recitation you'll hear from the *muezzin*. This is a body of 13-15th century Psalm-like compositions, differing from the works of David, Asaph and others in that the score, the melody, the music has survived through the years.


The Beauty of Wisdom - 1


The Beauty of Wisdom - 1

"By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures"

Like Honey to My Lips

The Bible, the Holy Scriptures of the Christian faith, is replete with wisdom for the murid and non-murid alike. 
