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Ali & the Imams


Ali & the Imams

Wherever Ismailis travel in the world, they feel at home when greeted by fellow Ismailis with the Arabic phrase: “Ya Ali Madad”. The translation is controversial, debated, but in essence is a prayer to Ali: “Oh, may Ali help you”. Since the present day Imam is considered one with Ali, it is a supplication for his help too. Our Ismaili friend will use it in the same way as others would 'Hello', but the theology behind it is explosive.



In the Beginning


In the Beginning

Our Ismaili friend's history begins in the 7th Century with Muhammad, a middle-aged merchant-cum-philosopher who received in a cave several visions from, he believed, the angel Gabriel. Our Ismaili friend, however, is a Shi'a Muslim (10-20% of Muslims worldwide). As such, he is more interested in Ali, nephew and brother-in-law to Muhammad.
