Wherever Ismailis travel in the world, they feel at home when greeted by fellow Ismailis with the Arabic phrase: “Ya Ali Madad”. The translation is controversial, debated, but in essence is a prayer to Ali: “Oh, may Ali help you”. Since the present day Imam is considered one with Ali, it is a supplication for his help too. Our Ismaili friend will use it in the same way as others would 'Hello', but the theology behind it is explosive.

Before revisions in the mid-20th Century, the dua (prayers) Ismailis would have prayed twice a day included the line “Ali is truly Allah”. Today, they may hang on their wall a picture of Ali next to a lion and recall that Muhammad gave Ali the title 'Lion of God'.

Some will also know another of Ali's titles, 'The Gateway of Knowledge'. Ultimately Ismailis believe that Ali lives on, that a slice of God dwells on earth today through the Aga Khan. Some will say he is therefore divine. Others disagree.

To explain they will say that Muhammad was filled with the nur (light) of Allah, and became the physical manifestation of Allah's light.

This light was passed onto Ali and then down to each successive Imam, by the decree of Allah. The light is also called aql (the Intellect), through which all things know God, by which all things were created, upon which all life is dependent and in which everything is united. This then is the job-spec. of the Imam, the Light, Wisdom and Image of God on earth.

This 'inner-Imam' never dies. This inner-essence is passed down the line of succession, a line known as the “sacred rope of Allah” and recited during each dua. Our Ismaili friend believes, by faith, in the unbroken chain of this line of succession.
