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Book Review

Five Ismaili Books You Have to Read


Five Ismaili Books You Have to Read

Do you want to know more about Ismailism? 

If you're like us, you don't want to stop at the basics. You've read our introductions, but now you want to go deep, way deeper than a website can take you.

So why not check out our current favorite five Ismaili book list? It'll give you a great overview of several different Ismaili topics, a window into the history and theology of Ismailism.


The Isma'ilis: Their History and Doctrines


The Isma'ilis: Their History and Doctrines

This is Daftary's masterpiece, a towering work that consolidates his position as a, if not the leading Ismaili academic. This is a book for the historian or religiously-curious alike, a tome that expertly weaves history and doctrine together. It traces the development of Ismaili philosophy and tradition through a historical narrative that brings a previously patchy and bias-laden history into the modern era of scholarship.


Destiny Disrupted - 2


Destiny Disrupted - 2

Ansary opens his book with a winning account of the earliest days of Islam, from Mohammad's conversion to the wrangling and tussle for leadership which precipitated the Sunni-Shia split.


Destiny Disrupted - 1


Destiny Disrupted - 1

Clash of Civilisations?

Prince Karim Aga Khan IV has, on a number of occasions, refuted Samuel P. Huntingdon's theory of a clash of civilisations, saying:

"I disagree with this assessment. In my view it is a clash of ignorance which is to blame"
